North German, direct and pragmatic. We don’t talk around the bush for long, we spoon out the soup. You will not be helped, if I just stay on the theoretical level, make endless presentations, and the wise guru tells you, what to do, but leaves you alone. We go into implementation together.

Developer background, classic project management, agility and organizational development for over ten years – directly in the teams and on all scaled levels, in a wide variety of companies, from the most traditional to the freshly hatched.

Agile organization / transition: Agility is not only limited to the teams in direct service provision. Building an agile organization requires an individual strategy and individual solutions.

(Agile) organizational development: Continuous organizational development (not only in terms of agility) with methods tailored to you and your company – initialization, support, training.

Management training: A changing understanding of leadership with suitable methods is not only part of agile transformation, but also every organizational development. That doesn’t happen by itself. An experienced coach takes your individual company situation into account.

Scrum Master and Agile Coach: As a temporary Scrum Master to support or coach your internal colleagues.

Agile scaling: Scaling agile methods across multiple teams or even multiple departments is highly complex. An experienced partner not only makes this easier, it also makes it possible (quite frankly).

Qualification / employee development: Training, knowledge transfer and further development of employees require continuous and consistent work towards a coordinated approach.

Lean: Lean means more than just making everything smaller. Together we will find the right path for your situation and your organization, with the right methods and the right changes.

Innovation Lab: More than just an ivory tower. Use your creative potential to develop tomorrow’s solutions. From the idea to the prototype and into production.