How do I measure the success of my actions?

Cartoon: Measuring Agile

After we have – more or less successfully – introduced agility in our organizational unit, sooner or later we also want to know what has changed as a result and whether our efforts have been worthwhile. We also want to know whether the measures from our retrospectives have brought about any change. In short: we want to find out what is changing and how it is changing.

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Can you do Agile without Scrum or Kanban?

Cartoon: Agile Work Frame

Some companies do not want to introduce either Scrum or Kanban at team level because they do not want to be restricted by existing rule systems (although Kanban does not have any fixed rules at all), but still carry out an agile transformation. So the question is whether it is possible to build an agile organization and go your own way.

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How to make really good presentations

Cartoon: perfect Presentation

How often do we find ourselves in the situation that we listen to an endlessly boring PowerPoint Presi, trying look very attentive, but are already half asleep inside and tell ourselves that we could do so much better. Oddly, everyone else thinks exactly the same when it is our turn to give our presentation.

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Double roles – a way out of the dilemma

Cartoon: Multiple Roles

We have learned – and the Scrum Guide requests it – that we have to distribute our roles among different people. Unfortunately, in many organizations the reality is something completely different, and I am not talking about Scrum here, but the general problem that we tend do give our »more capable« colleagues all possible roles. Is that always a stupid idea, r is there a scenario in which it even makes sense to assign double roles? And if not – is there a way out of this mess?

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How to understand Modern Leadership

Cartoon: Good old times

What do we understand under the terminology modern leadership? The answer is as simple as it is frustrating: everyone something else. You can read tons of books on this particular subject and take a whole lot of different seminars, but in the end each organization has to make its own decisions on what to expect from a leader or manager. If you have understood a few simple principles, you are already a big step further down your road.

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The first steps into scaling Scrum 1: Independent teams

Cartoon: Communication Breakdown

The Scrum Guide almost only talks about collaboration within a single team. If we plan on scaling Scrum over multiple teams, we soon stumble across some things like SAFe or LeSS. Those are scaled systems, which can be very complex and complicated. What is a reasonable way of doing things, if we just want to talk about something like three teams and not the complete company?

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